Thursday, July 7, 2016

Lessons in Trading from Kung Fu Panda !!!

Nice movie with lot of philosophy thrown with animation. What struck me was that the message of the movie is very apt to our trading psychology!

In one of the scenes under a peach tree the wise old man Oogway tells his student master Chifu to let go the ILLUSION of control and start BELEIVING(Chifu has serious doubts that the big fat panda can make a dragon warrior). He says that things don’t happen as we wish but they happen on their own and take their own time. Same with good trade setups we should WAIT to let them happen and don’t try to preempt them! All we can do is nurture our trade and believe in it!

In the second instance in the movie when the Panda becomes the dragon warrior, and open the centuries old scroll to read the secret, he finds it blank with only his reflection on the scroll. Dejected by not seeing anything on the scroll he assumes that after all he wasn’t the true dragon warrior. Realization dawns on him later when his father the noodle soup seller tells him the secret ingredient in his secret ingredient noodle soup is NOTHING! Yeah he say there isn’t any secret ingredient and to create something special one needs to believe in that you are special. Bingo! There is no secret indicator or method to play the markets….Its only about you and your beliefs in your system. A nice lesson in trading I must say.



  1. Check out nifty daily chart showing big bearish divergence in RSI. What do you make of situtaions like these ? ...Actually the divergence was already there but we gapped up today a made fresh highs, does this mean that the divergence has been neglected by nifty or we are looking for a more stronger downmove ? .......Po awaits your reply Shifu !!!!

    1. Hi Deepanshu,
      yes if you looking at divergence between two points lets call them A and B. If the price fails to confirm the said divergence between those two points then it has been negated and rendered useless. As reagrds to follow up reaction I am not sure we can predict it with certainity. Again here the clue lies in watching the price action and wait for confirmation signals from it.
      Thanks and Cheers
