Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Shanghai Composite Views!!!


  1. Manoj sir,

    Today also I observed it worked. If a day trader can get a system which works 70% and in the rest 30% opposite trades work with 90% probability what more can he ask. A day trader cant do much analysis especially in this case where he has to put his trades in 1st 5 min. in additionif he keeps 0.8-1 as target he might get a guud success rate. If open=high short for 0.8% if open = low long for o.8%. 70-80% success can give u decent returns.

    Now problem is opening price is usually different in charting packages. Few ppl ignore few ticks to get opening price. How shud this be incorporated.?? I don’t know pls show some direction.

    We shud try this with equity or future?

    I guess researching this will have its reward but the doubt regarding opening price is lingering. Pls enlighten

  2. Piyush Hi...

    Damn I am impressed by the statistics you have come up with...

    Ok first things can take prices from NSE site...

    Secondly.....I am not a huge fan of day fact to admit. I was a complete fiasco.....looser...maybe thats because, I am not made up for all those intra day gyrations...this might give me ulcers someday :-( !

    You can try them both in equity and futures!!!


  3. Piyush...

    Once again I am NOT the right person to advise you on intra/day trading..

    2652 method...pardon my ignorance but I am not aware of it...

    Any method which gives you 60% accuracy and you follow it with 100% discipline is a WINNER!!!!

    Remember we dont have any control over what the market can give us...yet we have full control over what market can take from us....and the GOD of TRADING is your STOP!!!!....

    Stops let you decide how much you are willing to relinquish......

    Follow whatever trading style that suits your temperament...

    But follow it....and follow it with all conviction....

